Wednesday, August 11, 2010

everybody, let's un-grow up!

bought some toys for myself last weekend! same day when i went LUSH-ing. hajat was to dengani my friend to get binoculars for her curious lil girl. ended up buying toys. teehehe. everyone got a lil kid inside of them! ok, introducing to you..... *drum roll*

1) Squap! *i think tht's the name* threw away the packaging already. hehehe. the moment i walked into the store, saw a salesman and a lil boy playing this. looked fun and easy. hard to explain how to play. basically, it's a two player-game. insert your thumb and rest of fingers arah the slots. tighten the straps. insert the ball inside the flap. and when you open the flap using your fingers, the ball will 'fly' and the other player catch it using his/her 'flap'. Geddit? hahaha. tested it by playing with the wall (one player: just me!). it ain't easy!

2) Cuponk! Ever heard of beer-pong? Typical teen movie ada tu, every party, jerks play beer pong. This is similar in a way: to win, you have to masukkn the ping pong ball into the cup. Difference: no beer involved, no drinking as penalty (but tht we still can do hahaha) and it involves serious skill to win. This game includes cards, which each player must draw one on his turn, and perform the challenge stated on the card. As you can see, ada number on each card. Tht represents number of attempts you can make for each challenge. If nda dapat, pass the challenge card to the next player. If succeed, you keep the card. If you get 3 cards in total, you win the game.

I bought these games so nnti we cn play masa ada function. Yayyy!!!! Ok, will update more if ada exciting games ku tjumpa :p

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